Sunday, 17 July 2011

ssc combined matric level exam 2008 solved paper

                                                               GENERAL AWARENESS 

1- A trade policy consisit of ?

A- Export Import policy
B- Licensing policy
C- Foreign Exchange policy
D- Balance of payment policy

2- Maximum wheat produting state in india ?

A- Panjab
B- Utter pradesh
C- Madhya pradesh
D- Haryana

3- What is india rank's in the world in milk production ?

A- First
B- Second
C- Third
D- Fourth

4- Which bank in india performs the the duties of  central bank ?

C- Central bank of india 
D- A & C

5- Who had estimated National income in india first ?

A- V.K.R.V.Rao
B- Dadabhai naoroji 
C- R.C.Dutt
D- D.R.Gadgil

6- What is needed for creating demand ?

A- Production
B- Price 
C- Income
D- Import

7- Who said that ''Economics is the science of wealth'' ?

A- Robbins
B- J.S.Mill
C- Adam smith
D- Keynes

8- Mahalanobis model has been associated with which five years plan ?

A- First five year plan
B- Second five year plan
C- Third five year plan
D- Fourth five year plan 

9- In the history of indian population, which duration period refered to as '' A great leap forward'' ?

A- 1921-1931
B- 1941-1951
C- 1951-1961
D- 1971-1981

10- The goverment of india derives its single largest source of revenue from ?

A- Direct taxes
B- Customes Duties
C- Deficit Financing
D- Union exersize duties

ANSWER SHEET : 1(A) , 2(B) , 3(A) , 4(B) , 5(B) , 6(C) , 7(C) , 8(B) , 9(A) , 10(D) 

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